The Solana Program Library (SPL) is a collection of on-chain programs targeting the Sealevel parallel runtime.
SPL Token是 " Solana Program Library"中的一个组成部分,叫做"Token Program",简称为SPL Token。
所有的代币都有这个合约来管理,该合约代码在 https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library/tree/master/token
SPL Token中,一个代币,仅仅是一个归Token合约管理的普通的Account对象,这个对象里面的二进制数据定义了 这个代币的基本属性。其结构为:
pub struct Mint {
/// Optional authority used to mint new tokens. The mint authority may only be provided during
/// mint creation. If no mint authority is present then the mint has a fixed supply and no
/// further tokens may be minted.
pub mint_authority: COption<Pubkey>,
/// Total supply of tokens.
pub supply: u64,
/// Number of base 10 digits to the right of the decimal place.
pub decimals: u8,
/// Is `true` if this structure has been initialized
pub is_initialized: bool,
/// Optional authority to freeze token accounts.
pub freeze_authority: COption<Pubkey>,
pub struct Account {
/// The mint associated with this account
pub mint: Pubkey,
/// The owner of this account.
pub owner: Pubkey,
/// The amount of tokens this account holds.
pub amount: u64,
/// If `delegate` is `Some` then `delegated_amount` represents
/// the amount authorized by the delegate
pub delegate: COption<Pubkey>,
/// The account's state
pub state: AccountState,
/// If is_native.is_some, this is a native token, and the value logs the rent-exempt reserve. An
/// Account is required to be rent-exempt, so the value is used by the Processor to ensure that
/// wrapped SOL accounts do not drop below this threshold.
pub is_native: COption<u64>,
/// The amount delegated
pub delegated_amount: u64,
/// Optional authority to close the account.
pub close_authority: COption<Pubkey>,
这两个结构体都是SPL Token Program管理的Account对象,其自身所携带的数据,分别为代币信息,和 存储哪个代币的信息。
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